冲刺练习及解析一、排序题1 .句子排序A. They're Li ly,s aunts.B. Aunt Rose wears a pink dress. She i s a good farmer.C. Aunt Susan i s a farmer too.D. She wears a T-shi rt and green shorts. She Ii kes to eat n i ce food.E. There are two women on the farm.F. She i s heavy.TT CT F【答案】EABD【解析】原文释义:农场里有两个女人。她们是莉莉的阿姨。罗斯阿姨穿着一件粉红色的连衣裙。她是一个好的农民。苏珊阿姨也是一个农民。她穿着一件T恤和绿色的短裤。她喜欢吃好吃的食物。她很重。二、阅读理解2. This is Helen's bedroom. It's new and nice. A bed and a chai r arein it. There's a desk near the window. Some f Iowers are on it. A bookcasei s near the bed. Some Eng I i sh books are on the bookcase. There's a p i ctureon the wall. Three peopIe are in the picture. The man i s her father. Thewoman i s her mother.(1)Whose bedroom is it?A. Tom, s bedroom.B.Helen1s bedroom.C.Helen1s parents1 bedroom.(2)Where i s the bookcase?A. 111 s on the cha i r.B. It's in the picture.C.It's near the bed.(3)What1s on the bookcase?A. Some Engl ish books.B. Some vases.C. Some f I owers.(4)Is there a picture on the wall?A. Yes, it i s.B. Yes, there i s.C. No, there isn, t.(5)Who's that woman?A.She's Helen's sister.B.She,s Helen's mother.C.She,s Helen's teacher.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3) A (4)B(5)B【解析】1.根据“This is Helen's bedroom.,可知这是海伦的卧室,故选B。第3页,总17页2 .根据“A bookcase is near the bed. ”可知一个书架在床旁边,故选C。3 .根据 “Some Engl ish books are on the bookcase.,可知有一英语书本在书架上面,故选A。4 . 一般疑问句“ Is there. . . ?”的回答通常为“Yes, there is. /No, there isn't. ",根据"There's a picture on the wall.”可知有一长照片在墙上,应作肯定回答,故选B。5 .根据“The woman i s her mother.,可知这个女人是海伦的妈妈,故选B。3.阅读短文,选出正确的选项。Mr Green i s from France. His wife i s from the US. He and hi s wifeteach French and Eng I i sh i n Suzhou. They have a son and a daughter. Theyare Jack and Ju I i a. Jack i s a student, but Julia i s not. She i s on I y f i ve.They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is smaI I. The big one isfor Jack. The smaI I one is for Jul ia. Sometimes they go to the park onSundays. Mr Green Ii kes taking photos there. Mrs Green Iikes watchi ngbeautifuI fIowers and trees. Jack and Julia I ike catchi ng insects in thepark. The Greens Iike China. They have a lot of fr iends in Suzhou.(1)How many peopIe are there in Mr Green* s fami ly?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.(2)What does Mr Green do?A. He i s a doctor.B. He i s a teacher.C. He i sa worker. Are Mr Green1schi ldren both students?A. Yes, they are.B.No. Jack i s a student, but Julia i s not.C.No. Julia is a student, but Jack is not.(4)Where do MrGreen,s fami ly sometimesgo on Sundays?A. To the park.B. To the cinema.C.To the hospitaI (5)The GreensChina.A.don't IikeB.doesnlt I ikeC. I ike【答案】(1)B(2)B B (4) A(5)C【解析】1根据“Mr“They have a son andGreen is from France. His wife is from the US.”a daughter, v可知格林一家总共有四个人,故选B。2. 根据 “He and his wife teach French and Engl ish in Suzhou, v 可知格林先生和他的妻子都是教英语和法语的,所以他是一名老师,故选B。3. 才艮据 “They have a son and a daughter. They are Jack and Jul ia. Jacki s a student, but Julia i s not. ”可知格林先生的儿子是学生,但是女儿不是,故选B。4. 根据 uSometimes they go to the park on Sundays.,可知他们星期天会去公园,故选A。5. 根据“The Greens I ike China.“可知格林一家人都喜欢中国,故选C。4.阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Dan i e s father was a pol i ceman before. He worked very hard everyday. He usua I I y I eft home at five i n the morn i ng and came back home I atei n the even i ng. He was very busy. He didn't have time to p I ay with Dan i e I.Now, his father i s a teacher in a schooI. He is still very busy,but he I eaves home at 8:00 i n the morning and comes back home at 6:00 i nthe evening. Dan ieI i s very happy because he can stay with hi s father.(1)Daniel,s father was a before.A.doctorB.poIi cemanC.fi refighter(2)What time d i d he I eave home i n the morn i ng?A. At five.B. At seven.C. At e i ght.(3)Why couldn,t Danie I,s father pI ay with him?A.Because he didnltI ike Daniel.B.Because he didn'thave time.C.Because he didn1thave supper.now?(4)Where does Dan i e s father workA. In a hospital.B. In a station.C. In a school.(5)How does Daniel fee I now?A.He i s very happy.B. He i s very t i red.C.He i s very worr i ed.【答案】(1)B(2) A (3)B(4)C(5) A【解析】1根据"Daniel1s father was apol iceman before, v 可次口丹尼尔的爸爸以前是一名警察,故选B。the morning and came back home2. 根据 “He usuaI Iy left home at five inI ate in the evening.可知他通常早上五点离开家,故选A。3. 才艮据 “He was very busy. He didn't have time to p I ay with Daniel.可知丹尼尔的爸爸很忙,没有时间和丹尼尔一起玩,故选B。4. 根据 uNow, his father is a teacher in a schooI. v 可知现在丹尼尔的爸爸在学校当老师,故选C。5. 才艮据 “Daniel i s very happy because he can stay with hi s father.''可知丹尼尔现在很高兴,故选A。5.阅读短文,选择正确答案。Look at thi s photo. It's Jim's fami ly photo. Jim's fami ly a I II i ke sports. The ta I I man i n the p i cture i s h i s father. He I i kes playingfootbaI I. The woman bes i de h i s father i s h i