招标投标-WuXi Europe Asia Factory Extension Project 投标书 精品.doc
Part 1. Project SurveyI. Project Survey1. Project Name: WuXi Europe Asia Factory Extension Project.2. Client: WuXi Europe Asia Diesel Injection Co., Ltd.3. Designed By: WuXi Industrial Park Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.4. Project Add: No. 5, Hua Shan Road Hite Development Zone, WuXi, China.5. Project Survey:5.1 The plot area of this project is 4.48 ha; the total extension area is 7962m2. The project contains plex workshop, power station and canopy.5.2 The designed indoor elevation ±0.00 is equal to the elevation +3.5m of Yellow Sea.6. Survey of Structure6.1 plex Workshop: The foundation is the solitary base bined with strip base; the main structure is steel structure and reinforced concrete structure.6.2 Power Station: The foundation is the solitary base bined with strip base; the main structure is reinforced concrete structure.6.3 Canopy: It is the lightweight steel structure.7. Survey of Installation:It contains HV, LV distribution system, lighting system, AC system, water supply, drainage system and lighting earthing system.8. Up-grade: It contains the existing power house, office building, workshop.II. Bases of posing1. Tender document of “WuXi Europe Asia Factory Extension Project”.2. Questionary records of “WuXi Europe Asia Factory Extension Project”.3. Designed drawings of tender document.4. Our Construction technical, abilities and actual materials stored.5. The relative present national, local construction technical codes and regulations.6. Quality standards program document and certain standard details of construction site management of our pany.Part 2. General Arrangement of ConstructionI. Principle of Project Construction General ArrangementThis project is the expansion phase based on the existing plant. In the principle of “Quality First and Everything is for Client”, we will perform the contract to fulfill construction of this project on time in high speed in safety. We will choose the excellent construction management personnel with achieved management experiences to organize the best management group for leading, instruction work. With the help of perfect Q.C. system, to enforce Q.C. standard. We will plete the project smoothly.II. General Construction Procedure1. Based on the peculiarity to arrange the general construction procedure as follows: plex workshop Power station Canopy Indoor up-grade.2. General construction procedure as shown in the drawing 2-1 attached.3. According to the construction joints and post casting location, to arrange work phases and to construct in crossing or flow process way. After finishing the base platform and beam of the plex workshop, to start the base work of power station.4. Construction procedure of plex workshop:4.1 Base construction phase:4.1.1 It contains two phases, offices and workshop . Namely from axis H to L; from axis A to G.4.1.2 Work order: From phase to phase .4.1.3 Work set: From axis 1 to axis A1.4.2 Main structure work phase:4.2.1 Based on the postcasting between A8 and A9, to divide the area into two parts, as follows: From axis A9 to 5 as phase , from axis A1 to A8 as phase .4.2.2 Construction order: From phase to phase .III. Brief Introduction of Technology1. Foundation Work:1.1 Excavation will be done in the partial excavation bined with longitudinal, transverse strip base excavation.1.2 Rebar: Fabrication work will be done on site.1.3 Formwork: The assembled wooden formwork will be used for base platform and beam.1.4 Concrete: mercial concrete to be pumped by concrete pump truck.2. Construction of Upper Structure2.1 Arrangement and selection of vertical transportation equipment. Concrete will be pumped by pump truck. One set of gallow hoister will be erected. Steel structure will be erected by using truck crane (16T-m).2.2 For upper frame structure formwork will be 18mmTH. plywood supported by 48mm steel pipe.2.3 Pouring concrete to on the floor bearing panel work and roof cladding, wall cladding work will be carried on in cross way.2.4 For the external wall, the two raw scaffolding enclosed with plastic sheet will be erected.3. Construction Imagination of Safety and Civilization3.1 To establish the temporary fence by using colour steel cladding between construction area and production area. None will be allowed to enter into clients production area without permit.3.2 To strictly follow the construction code of safety and civilization of WuXi city, to enforce construction arrangement and management.3.3 To actively attend every kind of education or training of safety work, to strictly obey the clients regulations or instructions.3.4 To strengthen the protection for client facilities and finished products.3.5 All the construction vehicles must be parked in the pointed area to assure clients normal daily work going on smoothly.Part 3. Construction PreparationI. Technical Preparation1. In th