1、中医方剂大辞典含小陷胸汤类方组方特点与配伍规律分析徐振东付英凯张成博Summary目的:应用中医传承辅助平台(V2.5)软件,对中医方剂大辞典中含小陷胸汤类方剂进行系统分析,为小陷胸汤类方临床应用提供依据。方法:选取中医方剂大辞典中包含“瓜萎、黄连、半夏”的所有方剂,建立数据库,分析类方配伍规律及其所治疗病证用药规律。结果:数据库共收集有关方剂61首,核心药物组合77个,涉及病证33种;选取了 3个高频病证“咳嗽” “积聚”“痞满”进行药物组合分析,显示小陷胸汤类方剂在治疗“咳嗽”时主要以配伍化痰药物为主,治疗“积聚”时主要以配伍消食药为主,治疗“痞满”时主要以中配伍行气药为主。结论:中药方剂
2、大辞典中小陷胸汤类方配伍的药物广泛,治疗特点明确,组方规律能反映其在治疗不同疾病时的组方特点,对临床应用具有指导意义。Key中医传承辅助平台;中医方剂大辞典;小陷胸汤;类方;配伍规律;黄连;半夏;瓜萎Abstract Objective: To apply TCMISS (V2.5) to systematically analyzethe formula containing Xiaoxianxiong Decoction in Dictionary ofChinese Medicine Prescription and provide a basis for clinicalmedicat
3、ion of Xiaoxianxiong Decoction type formula. Methods: Formulascontaining Fructus Trichosanthis, Rhizoma Coptidis and RhizomaPinelliae in Dictionary of Chinese Medicine Prescription werecollected, sorted and entered TCMISS to build a database and analyzetheir compatibility laws and major indications.
4、 Results: The databasecollected 61 prescriptions, 77 core drug combinations and 33 diseasesyndromes. The three high frequency disease “cough” “abdominalmass and distention and fullness“ were selected for drugcombination analysis, showing that Xiaoxianxiong Decoctionprescription in the treatment of “
5、cough” mainly compatible withdrugs of resolving the phlegm, in the treatment of uabdominal mass”mainly compatible with the drugs of eliminating food, and in thetreatment of “distention and fullness” mainly compatible with thedrugs of promoting qi movement. Conclusion: Dictionary of ChineseMedicine P
6、rescription has a wide range of compatible drugs forXiaoxianxiong Decoction. The characteristics of treatment areclear. The composition principle can reflect the characteristics ofthe composition in the treatment of different diseases, which is ofguiding significance for clinical application.Key Wor
7、ds TCMISS; Dictionary of Chinese Medicine Prescription;Xiaoxianxiong Decoction; Similar prescription; Compatibility laws;Rhizoma Coptidis; Rhizoma Pinelliae; Fructus Trichosanthis中圈分类号:R242 : A doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1673-7202. 2019. 07. 060经典名方小陷胸汤首见于汉代张仲景伤寒论辨太阳病脉证并治第七“小结胸病,正在心下,按之则痛,脉浮滑者,小陷胸汤主之” 1
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- 中医方剂大辞典 中医 方剂 辞典 含小陷胸汤类方组方 特点 配伍 规律 分析