1、,台湾、旗1专利申请指南一 带格式的:字体:小四】Guidelines for Eiting-Patents Application in Taiwan and Macau台湾Taiwan在台湾,授权的专利有三种:发明、新型和新式样,它们的保护期限分别为 20年、10年和12年,均自申请Fl起算。其中,对于发明专利,智慧财产局进行 考察发明专利性的实质审查。The patents granted in Taiwan are divided CIaSSifiCd inio three categories: invention, new model and new typedesign, wit
2、h the protection durations of 20 years, IO years and 12 years respectively, counting from the application date. For the invention patent, the Intellectual Property Office in Taiwan will conduct a substantive examination to check the patentability thereof.台湾的专利申请要求使用繁体字提出。发明/新型的申请应包括说明书、摘要、 权利要求书及附图:
3、对于新式样申请,设计图片要有六面视图和立体图,最好有 阴影线表现,也可用照片代替,如果是照片应提供一式4套,还可提供说明产品 内容与特点的简要文字说明。The patent application in Taiwan shall be filed in traditional Chinese characters. TheAn invention/new model application shall Contain Ihe following: specification, abstract, claims and drawings; A-a_new type-design applicat
4、ion shall contain six-side view or space diagram, preferably with shade-_lines, fr the claimed design, and the photographs (requiring four copies) may also be acceDtable;-Uneanwhilc, a brief )带格式的:字体:小四introduction can also be provided to further illustrate the content and characteristics ofthe prod
5、uct for new edesig布招式的:字体:小四)除此申请文件外,提出台湾专利申请还需要以下文件:ENCem forBeside the application document, the follcwina documents areT -格式的;缩进:苜行缩进:2 字符|rcuired for. te-patent application in TaiWanodemands Ihe foMew油gdocument6:_带格式的:字体:小四(1)宣誓书:由发明人或制作人签名、盖章,表达此专利请的发明或制作不f蛙的;字体:小四J是剽窃他人成果,多位发明人可共签一张。(1) Oath:
6、signed by the-inventors or DnXlUCerdeehneNalinU. Ihat the PrCSCnI带格式的:字体:小四invention or production does not infringe upon any prior patents. One oath can be错格式的:字体:小四)signed by multiple inventors.(2)委托书:给代理机构的委托书,由申请人签章,每一申请签署两份。(2) Power of Attorney: the certificate of appointment designated to a p
7、atent lawffioffice which ShaH be Signed by the applicant in duplicate. 一一带格式的:字体:小四)(3)国籍证明:作为申请人的自然人的身份证、护照、户口本等复印件,并经公证,一份国籍证明适用于同一申请的所有申请案,但有效期为三年。(3) Certification of Nationality: including notarized copies of personal ID, passport, residence card of a natural person as the applicant; a certific
8、ation of nationality is applicable to all the cases involved in one application; duration: 3 years.(4)法人证明:作为申请人的法人单位营业执照的复印件,并经公证。(4) Certificate of Corporation: referring to a notarized copy of the business license of the corporation as the applicant.*上述(2) - (4)项的文件可在申请日之后60天内补交* Above Documents
9、(2) - (4) can be provided within 60 days after the dme theaDDlicaiion dai&.一带格式的:字体:小四)如对台湾专利保护有其他具体问题,请联系铭硕客户部mail(8)mingsure.conto式的:字体:小四QAny further inquiries aboutpatent protection in Taiwan, please contact us at一叶带格式的:字体:小四mail澳门MaCaU在中华人民共和国澳门行政特区,受保护的专利分为发明、实用以及设计和新型,它们的保护期限分别为20年、10年和25年,均自
10、申请日起算。The patents seeking protection in Macao SAR of the Peoples Republic of Chinainclude the following categories: Invention, Utility and Design & New IyPedeSiJk一一 T 带格式的;字体:小四)with the protection durations of 20 years, 10 years and 25 years respectively, countingfrom the date of application.中华人民共和
11、国国家知识产权局授予的发明专利或专利申请可延伸到澳门特别行政区生效。Invention patent or patent application granted by Chinese State IntellectualProperty Office shall enjoy the extension of patent in Macau.澳门专利申请所需文件:Documents required for patent application in Macau:(I)国家知识产权局之发明专利延伸:J国家知识产权局之发明专利延伸中诗书表格及其附件;带格式的:字体:小四)带格式的:字体:小四j带格
12、式的:字体:小四)带格式的:字体:小四j带格式的:字体:小四,下划线)国家知识产权局发出的专利登记簿副本:弋国家知识产权局发出的专利说明书;、说明书附图:代理委托书(如委托专利代理人处理)(1) Extension of Invention Patent from State Intellectual Property Office:-ADDlication for Extension of Invention Patent from the State Intelleclual PropertyOffid form and appendix thereof;带格式的:字体:小四注heCDV
13、Of EXIraClS from IhC PaICnl RCeiSteI= issued by the SIPO_ T带格式的:字体:小四,下划线j“Patent Specification issued by the SIPO;V 带格式的:字体:小四)Descriptive drawings;Power of attorneys (for patents filed through the patent attorneys _带格式的:不体:小四)(2)发明专利发明专利注册申请书表格;摘要表格(内容最好不超过150个词或400个字);发明专利说明书;权利要求书:说明书附图:代理委托书;优先
14、权文件(如要求优先权)(2) Invention PatentApplication for the Registration of Invention Patent2 form;带格式的:字体:小四,下划线.-Abstract ont (less than 150 English words, or 400 Chinese characters)-【带格式的:字体:小四Specification;带格式的:字体:小四,卜划线Claims;V2JDrawings of specification; 带格式的:字体:小四n1带格式的:字体:小四Power of Attorney;Priority
15、 document (required when claiming priorityk-d 带格式的:字体:小四(3)实用专利实用专利注册申请书表格;摘要表格(内容最好不超过150个词或400个字);实用专利说明书:说明书附图;权利要求书;代理委托书:优先权文件(如要求优先权)(3) Utility PatentApplication for Registration of Utility PatenW form;_【带格式的:字体:小四,卜划线?Abstract?2- form (less than 150 English words, or 400 Chinese characters)【带格式的:字体:小四Specification;:带格式的:,体:小叫卜划线Drawings of Specification;弋带格式的:字体:小四Claims;便格式的:字体:小四Power of Attorney;_Priority document (required when claimi