1、hullof a Panther Ausf. Atank somewhere on theEastern Front, no doubtfbr a bit of radiant heatfrom the vehiclesengine. On the EasternFront, the weather couldbe as deadly aPANTHERthreatto the Germansoldier as the RedAnny. (Patton Museum )huddlesbehindtherearCOMPARATIVEDIMENSIONSThePantherAusf.Dtankwas
4、evehicleBACKGROUNDAnAmerican soldier looksinto one of the two storageboxes mounted on the rearhull plate of this PantherAusf. D tank. Despitebeing replaced in serviceby the Panther Ausf. A tankand then the Panther Ausf.G tank, examples of theoriginal model of thePanther tank series couldbe found sol
5、diering onunlil the war in Europeended in May 1945.(PattonMuseum)THERESULTSARE INThe combatdebut of thePantherAusf. D tankduringOperationZitadelleproved to bea majordisappointmSincethe combat debut of the Panther tank during Operation Zitadelle hadbeen less than overwhelming and resulted in some unh
6、appiness among thesenior leadership of the German Army and the troops on the ground, Guderiantook great pains in his report to remind his superiors that, in light of thetoughness of the Red Army defenses encountered and the extensive minefieldsthat had to be traversed during the fighting, the Panthe
7、r tank had done very well37Thetankwas8feet6inches(2.6m)tallandhadawidthofabout11feet(3m).Combatloaded,theT-34mediumtankwasabout30tons(28mt).BywayofcomparisontothePantherAusf.DtankandtheT-34mediumlank,theTigerAusf.Eheavytankwas27feetand9inches(8.45m)longwithitsmaingunpointedoverthefronthull.Thehullwa
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