1、题 目 基于单片机的自动晾衣架的设计随着社会的不断发展和进步,智能化的产品在不段的涌入我们的家庭生活,给我们的生活起居带来便利。但是晾衣工具还是处于比较原始的层次几乎没有什么改变,已经跟不上我们生活的节奏的变化,对于现在城市里的大多数人们每天都是忙于工作,白天的时间几乎都不在家中。当天气变化时不能及时的把衣服收回。关于这个问题本文对智能晾衣架系统进行研究,运用DS18B20温度传感器、CHR01湿度传感器和5547光敏电阻采集到的信号传输给系统处理核心单片机AT89S52,根据当时的温湿度和光线的强弱判断晾衣架是否要收回。当空气中的相对湿度超过设定值(认为要下雨或已经下雨)或光线变暗到一定值(
2、认为已经天黑)时,系统会发出报警提示主人收衣服并延时,无人应答后系统会自动发出脉冲信号给步进电机,从而控制机械部分自动收回晾衣架。关键字:温度传感器;湿度传感器;光敏电阻;AT89S52IAbstractWith the continuous development and advancement of society, many intellectualizationproducts enter into our daily life and give convenience for our life. But the rack used to dryclothe is in a low l
3、evel and has little change so it can not catch up with the rhythm of ourlife. The residents in modern cities are always busy in their work and can not stay at homeduring the daytime. When weather goes bad they have no chance to take back their clothes.Based on this problem this paper designs this in
4、tellectualized rack used to dry clothessystem. This system uses the signal gathered by DS18B20 temperature sensor, CHR01humidity sensor and 5547 photoresistance sensor to put into the system processing coremonolithic integrated circuit AT89S52. Whether to take back the clothes was determined bythe c
5、urrent status of temperature, humidity and sunshine. When the relative humiditysurpasses the defined value (There is a tendency to rain or have rained) or the sunshine wasdark to a special definite value ( The weather turns dark) the system will send out warningand prompt the master to take back the
6、 clothes. If there is nobody replying it, the systemwill send out pulse signal into step motor automotive, control the mechanical part and takeback the rack used to dry clothes.Key Words: Temperature sensor; Humidity; Photoresistance; AT89S52摘要1AbstractII目录III第1章绪论11.1 课题来源11.2 晾衣架的发展现状11.3 晾衣架的研究意义
7、2第2章 系统总体方案设计32.1 总系统设计框图32.2 晾衣架系统组成概述32.3 系统硬件电路选择32.4 系统软件结构设计42.5 机械结构设计52.5.1 动机构及工作原理62.5.2 拉伸机构62.5.3 控制系统的设计62.5.4 滚珠丝杠的选择72.5.6 滚珠丝杠的特点: 81.1.1 5.7滚珠丝杠的支撑82.5.8 轴承的选择92.5.9 深沟球轴承9第3章 控制系统硬件设计113.1 单片机的介绍及其工作系统设计113.2 温度传感器电路123.3 湿度传感器电路143.4 光敏检测电路153.5 显示电路163.6 步进电机及其驱动电路17第4章控制系统软件设计204
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- 关 键 词:
- 基于 单片机 控制 自动 晾衣架 设计