1、某钢铁集团营销策略研究分析摘 要钢铁流通行业关系国家经济命脉,对我国能否持续保持快速稳固的进展起到了重要 的保障作用。近年来,随着我国经济建设快速进展,钢材需求量逐年递增,钢铁流通业 随之崛起,钢铁物流企业数量越来越多。面对猛烈的竞争形势,关键是要把握好市场, 而关于钢铁物流企业来说,如何根据客户需求调整自身的营销策略,在重新树立品牌形 象的同时,建立良好的客户关系,已经成为了新时期钢铁物流企业的重要课题之一。本 文根据营销组合的有关理论,对上海舜业钢铁集团的营销策略进行了深入的分析,并基 于舜业集团渠道合作模式、客户关系与品牌意识方面的不足,提出下列建议:与钢厂建 立战略联盟,积极使用佣金代
2、理制,加快业务的调整升级;建立客户关系档案,区别重 点客户与通常客户,加强客户关系的维系;通过提升服务质量、加强宣传活动、注重口 碑营销来扩大品牌认知度。关键词:钢铁流通;营销策略;渠道;客户关系;品牌The Research on Marketing Strategy of ShanghaiShunye Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.AbstractIron and steel industry, the lifeline of countries economic, have played an important role in safeguarding t
3、he fast and. In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese economic construction, steel demand is increasing year by year. The steel circulation industry appears on the horizon and steel logistics enterprises are more and more. It is the key to grasp the market for enterprises facing the fi
4、erce competition. How to adjust its marketing strategy based on the needs of customers to establish a brand image and good customer relations has become one of the important issues during the new period. According to the theory of marketing mix this paper deeply analysis the marketing strategy of Sh
5、anghai Shunye Iron and Steel Group. Based on the co-place mode of Shunye Group, customer relationship and brand awareness, the paper proposes the following recommendations. Shunye Iron and Steel Group establish strategic alliances with steel enterprises and actively use commissioning agency. And it
6、has to speed up the adjustment of business upgrading. Shunye should build files of customers to distinguish the key customers and the general customers and maintain customers upgrading. Shunye should build files of customers to distinguish the key customers and the general customers and maintain cus
7、tomers. Shunye also should expand brand awareness by improving service quality, strengthening the promotion and paying attention to word of mouth marketing.Key words: iron and steel distribution, marketing strategy, place, customer relationship,brand1绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究目的及意义11.3 国内外理论研究成果综述21.3.1 国外营
8、销组合理论成果21.3.2 国内营销组合理论成果31.4 研究方法41.5 论文的要紧内容42有关理论介绍52.1 营销环境分析52.2 营销组合理论的演变52.2.1 4Ps营销理论52.2.2 4Cs营销理论62.2.3 4Rs营销理论73营销环境分析及启示93.1 营销环境分析93.1.1 宏观环境分析93.1.2 微观环境分析103.2 环境分析启示114上海舜业钢铁集团营销管理的现状及存在的问题134.1 上海舜业钢铁集团营销管理的现状134.2 上海舜业钢铁集团营销管理中存在的问题134.2.1 渠道合作模式存在弊端134.2.2 忽视客户关系管理144.2.3 品牌意识淡薄145
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- 钢铁集团 营销 策略 研究 分析