管理制度-先秦官吏考核制度演变探析 精品.doc
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1、硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目:先秦官吏考核制度演变探析Analysis on the Evolution of the Pre-Qin Official Examination System作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师: 论文密级:专业名称:中国古代史单位年级:政治与历史学院20XX级完成日期:20XX年4月研究生学院先秦官吏考核制度演变探析中 文 摘 要先秦时期是我国历史的开端,这一时期所确立的典章制度为后世典章制度的发展奠定了基础。其中,官吏考核制度作为先秦时期政治制度的一个重要方面,也在自身的产生、发展的演变过程之中为后来的考核制度提供了借鉴。由于远古史料匮乏,加之不同学者的认识角
3、随着各种新制度的确立而全面革新为一种官僚体制下的官吏考核制度。这一发展演变过程为秦汉时期更加成熟的官吏考核制度作了充分的准备。关 键 词:先秦时期;官吏考核;演变ANALYSIS ON THE EVOLUTION OF THE PRE-QIN OFFICIAL EXAMINATION SYSTEM ABSTRACTThe pre-Qin period is the beginning of our history, established the base of this period of system development for future generations of instit
4、utions. Due to lack of understanding of ancient historical materials, and different scholars have different point of view, studies of the official examination system was established in when to have different opinions. I think that our country ancient examination system formed in the Western Zhou Dyn
5、asty official. The need for further explanation is, although the appraisal system was established in the Western Zhou period, but the examination and appraisal phenomenon has appeared earlier. On the basis of previous research, this paper thinks that the official examination system in the legend tim
6、es after brewing, with the national establishment, officials have begun to sprout. After continuous development, to the Western Zhou period with slavery political form, mature and formed a relatively mature system. As the main assessment system; a clear assessment standards; parison of strict examin
7、ation time limit set; used relatively perfect evaluation methods. The Spring and Autumn period, with the great social changes and the occurrence of a corresponding change. The Spring and Autumn period with the destruction of the old system and performance for the continuous adjustment, in examining
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- 管理制度-先秦官吏考核制度演变探析 精品 管理制度 先秦 官吏 考核制度 演变 探析