1、外企对法务专家的要求(带翻译)1. Prov i des counseI on a broad range of top i cs and Ieads the company i n matters i nvo Iving comp I ex I ega I issues. 1.就广 泛的主题提供法律顾问,并在涉及复杂法律问题的事务中领导公司。2. IdentifieS the need for, and participates in the defini t i on and deveIopment of poIi c i es procedures and programs wh i c
2、h address areas of r i sk and ensure comp Ii ance with the I aw. 确定对政策、程序和计划的需求,并参与其定义和制定,以解决风险领域并确保 遵守法律。3. Ensures the de Ii very of qua Iityt timely and cost-eff i c i e nt legal SerViCeS.确保提供高质量、及时和经济高效的法律服务。4. Deve I ops and imp Iements protocoIst i nfrastructure, and sy stems to manage IegaI m
3、atters as appropr i ate for a corporat i on, which operates internat iona I Iy.开发和实施协议、基础设施和系统, 以管理适用于国际运营公司的法律事务。5. Engages and oversees work of outs i de COUnSel .聘请并监督夕卜 部律师的工作。6. Prov i des IegaI adv i ce i n areas of s i gn i f i cant organ i zat i on-wide impact,including the formuIation of st
4、rategic pIans.在具有重大组织影响的领域提供法律咨询,包括制定战略计划。7. Serves as principal IegaI adv i sor for the Board of D i r ectors and sen i or management, prov i d i ng IegaI adv i ce on a br oad range of top i cs, including reaI estate, corporate/commerc i a I, mergers and acquisitions, corporate f i nance, bank i ng
5、r tax, i nsurancet f i nanci a I serv ices, empIoymentl immi grat ion,i nformat i on techno Iogy, trade comp Ii ance, I itigation,reguIatory, compIiance, anti-corrupt ion, pr i vacy and data protect ion, ethics, and corporate governance.担任董事会和高级管理层的首席法律顾问,就 广泛的主题提供法律咨询,包括房地产、企业/商业、并购、企业金融、银行、 税务、保险、
6、金融服务、就业、移民、信息技术、贸易合规、诉讼、监管、合规、 反腐败,隐私和数据保护、道德规范和公司治理。8. Rema i ns current with deveIopments i n the I aw; understand s med i caI and sc i ent i f i c products, including i ssues and defen ses involved with cases or matters.与法律的发展保持同步;了解医疗 和科学产品,包括与案件或事项有关的问题和辩护。9. Identifies IegaI r i sks, educates
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- 外企 法务 专家 要求 翻译