1、高层宾馆防排烟工程设计毕业论文目录目录I中文摘要III英文摘要错误!未定义书签。1工程概况62消火栓和灭火器系统设计22.1 消火栓设计22.1.1 消火栓设计原则22.1.2 室内消火栓给水系统的组成及给水方式的确定22.1.3 室内消火栓的布置32.2 .灭火器系统设计42.2.1 灭火器配置场所的危险等级和火灾种类42.2.2 规格与数量的确定53自动喷水灭火系统设计63.1 设计说明63.1.1 系统介绍63.1.2 自动喷水灭火系统的系统选择63.2 系统管网设置83.2.1 设计技术数据83.2.2 喷头的布置9323管道的布置103.2.4 供水设施的设置104防排烟设计124.
2、1 建筑设计防火规范关于防排烟的有关规范124.2 防排烟系统的一般规定134.3 自然排烟154.4 机械排烟164.4.1 机械排烟的一般规定164.4.2 排烟量的计算184.4.3 排烟口面积计算194.4.4 系统管道计算194.4.5 阻力和全压计算194.4.6 风机选型204.5 机械防烟204.5.1 机械防烟的一般规定204.5.2 加压送风量的计算224.5.3 系统管道计算264.5.4 阻力计算264.5.5 全压计算274.5.6 风机选型27致 谢28参考文献29附 录30中文摘要此高层建筑为某一高层宾馆,地上12层标准层,地下一层为车库,一层有中庭式建筑,类型复
4、建筑物大部分部位利用自然排烟能达到排烟要求,地下车库、中庭等部位需要设置机械排烟。通过排烟量、排烟口面积、排烟管道、阻力等的计算确定排烟风机型号,排烟风机选用消防排烟专用风机,以满足防火要求。关键词:自然排烟,机械排烟,机械加压送风系统,风机AbstractThe high-rise building is a hotel, with 12 standard layers aboveground, a basement garage, the first layer of the atrium-style building.With its complex type, it is a leve
5、l-1 high-rise building.The fire protection system of this building mainly consists of firehydrant, fire extinguisher system, the automatic sprinkling system andsmoke control design. According to the relevant norms and buildingcharacteristics, appropriate fire-fighting systems are applied, whichinclu
6、de indoor fire hydrant system, closed automatically sprinklingsystem, mechanical pressurization system, natural smoke exhaust andmechanical smoke exhaust system.The mechanical pressurization system, which is set up in eachstaircase and the second staircase, is applied to discharge smoke. It sharesth
7、e front room with the fire lift so as to provide fire evacuation routes andshelter from the flue gas interference in the high-rise building. The fanmodel is determined through the calculation of air flow, ductcross-sectional area, resistance, etc.There are mainly two ways to discharge smoke, namely,
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- 高层 宾馆 防排烟 工程设计 毕业论文