1、摘要目前中成药由于国家政策支持以及较长的传统历史,越来越被人们所接受,拥有较好的发展前景。但是中成药的成分较为昂贵,所以不法商家为牟取高额暴利选择在中成药中添加西药或其他非中成药成分。所以本文根据傅里叶红外光谱简单快捷、安全的特点,选用红外光谱法对市面上的中成药进行检验鉴定。完成了以下工作:通过了解“2018.2.12李xx涉假中成药案件”的基本案情及检验要求,查阅大量相关文献,采用傅里叶红外光谱法对检材进行检验。完成了 “2018.2.12李xx涉假中成药案件”从受理、检验到检验报告的撰写和鉴定档案文件制作等环节的工作,掌握了中成药掺假检验的方法和程序,并用傅里叶红外光谱法完成了对涉案检材的
2、定性分析。本论文实验部分进行了重现性试验,同时测算出最小检出限,并且发现在治疗风湿类中成药中常见添加剂主要有消炎痛和对乙酰氨基酚两种,验证了本论文所采用设计方法的可靠性及可行性,对中成药掺假检验鉴定具有指导意义。关键词:中成药 傅里叶红外光谱法 消炎痛 对乙酰氨基酚IAbstractAt present, Chinese patent medicine is more and more accepted by peoplebecause of the support of national policy and the long history of tradition.However, th
3、e ingredients of proprietary Chinese medicine are more expensive,so illegal merchants choose to add western medicine or other non-proprietaryingredients to Chinese patent medicine for high profits. Therefore, according tothe simple, fast and safe characteristics of Fourier transform infraredspectros
4、copy (FTIR), infrared spectroscopy is used to test and identify thetraditional Chinese patent medicines in the market. The following tasks werecompleted:Through understanding the basic facts and inspection requirements of thecase of Li xx involved in fake Chinese patent medicine on 12 August, 2018.1
5、2,a large number of relevant documents were consulted and the samples wereexamined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Having completed the work of the case of Li xx involved in fake Chinesepatent medicine on 12 August, 2018.12, from accepting, examining, writingthe inspection report a
6、nd making the appraisal file, and mastering the methodsand procedures of the adulteration examination of the Chinese patentmedicine, The qualitative analysis of the material involved in the case wascarried out by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).In the experiment part of this paper, th
7、e reproducibility test was carried out,and the minimum detection limit was calculated, and it was found that thecommon additives in the treatment of rheumatism were indomethacin andparacetamol. The reliability and feasibility of the design method used in thispaper are verified, which is of guiding s
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- 关 键 词:
- xx 中成药 案件 检验