1、中英文题目摘要关键词自主品牌汽车含义及发展其重要性.2(一)自主品牌汽车的内涵.2(二)发展自主品牌汽车的重要性我国自主品牌汽车产业的发展现状(一)自主品牌销量逐步提高.(二)自主品牌汽车出口情况及海外市场分布概况三、我国自主品牌汽车产业竞争力的SWOT分析.四、(一)(二)(三)(四)优势分析劣势分析机遇分析威胁分析对我国自主品牌汽车产业发展的建议及对策.11.12结束语参考文献致谢辞中国自主品牌汽车产业的竞争力分析2014213313 李昊洋摘要:从中国加入WTO 后,我国汽车产业蓬勃发展,出现了一大批自主汽车品牌,与此同时我国的汽车产销都成为世界第一,已经完全迈进了汽车大国的行列。但结合
2、我国汽车的发展战略来看,我国致力于建设成为汽车强国,要想成为汽车强国的关键在于我国自主品牌汽车的竞争力,如何提升我国自主品牌汽车的竞争力成为亟待解决的问题,本位从自主品牌的概念出发,结合当前我国汽车产业的现状,再利用SWOT从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁四个方面对我国自主品牌竞争力进行了综合分析,进而提出了一些建议和对策。关键词:自主品牌;竞争力;SWOT分析;汽车产业Analysis of the Competitiveness of China *s Own Brand AutoIndustryAbstract: A very important feature of economic glob
3、alization is the globalization of thebrand. The competition in the global market has increasingly manifested itself in brandcompetition. In the context of the globalization of automobile industry, due to the lack ofindependent brands, Chinars auto industry will increasingly become a vassal of theint
4、ernational auto giant. The automotive industry is an important pillar industry in Chinaseconomic development. The major force in the development of Chinas automobile industryin its own-brand automobile market represents the true level and development status ofChinas domestic automobile industry. In
5、recent years, the state has continuously promulgatedits policy of supporting its own-brand cars. As its own-brand cars have grown in strength,they have also faced various problems that need to be solved urgently. How independentbrands can better meet the challenges and opportunities is something we
6、need to seriouslystudy, problem. Based on the concept and importance of own brand, this paper analyzes thekey factors that restrict the development of our own brand cars and the status quo ofself-owned brands using SWOT. Proposed ways to foster our own brand of car andcountermeasures and development
7、 direction.Key words: Own brand, competitiveness, SWOT analysis一、自主品牌汽车含义及发展其重要性汽车在用途上大致可以分为四大类即:乘用车、客车、货车和牵引汽车。本文以乘用车为基础,来分析中国自主品牌汽车行业的竞争力。(一)自主品牌汽车的内涵随着我国汽车产业的快速发展,关于我国自主品牌汽车竞争力的讨论和分析层出不穷,但很少有学者针对自主品牌这四个字进行剖析,大家都以为人们对自主品牌汽车的概念非常熟悉了,其实不然,我们经常存在一对自主和品牌的误解。首先在汽车行业中自主主要指的是在知识产权和核心技术方面拥有某品牌,并对该品牌有完全的掌控
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- 关 键 词:
- 中国 自主 品牌 汽车产业 竞争力 分析