2、分明,具有说服力;使用了丰富的语法结构与词汇,显示出较强的语言驾驭能力;条理性强,段落清晰,采用了多种衔接与转折手法;语言自然流畅,极少语言错误;对目标读者产生了很好的预期效果。作文评分标准1审题2结构3内容4语言一篇好的作文应基本达到:1 .结构清晰,布局合理,过渡自然。2 .遣词造句丰富多样化,语言地道,出现亮点。3 .说理清楚,内容充实,符合要求。一篇较差的作文表现为:1 .文章不通顺,无段落,无结构,无明显主题;2 .出现很多基本语法错误,拼写错误;3 .词汇量很小,词不达意,缺乏英语表达能力;4 .不像一篇文章,仅是把一些不连贯的词语拼凑到一起。二、写作过程1 .构思:plannin
3、g要建立在仔细审题的基础上,审题的作用在于使文章紧扣题意。2 .起草:d必加g要想写出一篇佳作,前提是要写好提纲。它可以帮作者理顺思路,做到条理清楚。提纲写好之后,就可以开始写初稿了。3 .修改:revising分三步走:内容方面的修改,看看文章的内容是否吸引人,安排是否得当,层次是否清楚,叙述是否有条理等。 考虑文章的语言表达,看看句型是否贴切,用词是否恰当。 文字的校对,注意纠正语法、拼写、标点和其他技术性错误。如何进行选词:一、选用有把握的词,尽量用复杂的词汇。二、区分具体与抽象的词三、选词要有变化好句子的标准句型多样化1采用适当的句型来表达内容:简单句,并列句,复合句,主动被动句,长句
4、,短句,疑问句,插入语,独立成分等2句子之间的逻辑关系要合理:包括并列关系,因果关系,递进关系,转折关系,解释关系,概括关系,让步关系,对比关系等,这些逻辑关系均有适当的关联词(过渡词)来连接。直线型与螺旋型英语篇章段落结构一般按照“introduction body - conclusion”的模式来写文章。每段段首大多有一个主题句(topic sentence),然后再按照一条直线展开,对主题分点用对比,举例,解释定义,因果关系等方法来发展中心思想,最后还会再次提出明确的观点。3.多读,多思考,多总结道理。4掌握衔接与过渡。5多写,多练。括对看过背过的文章进行词语替换,句式转换,句子重组,
5、翻译练习等,以及对某一主题展开写作。作文一定要自己动手写。6构思提纲,关键词提纲或粗略提纲。对原始材料分析归纳后要形成一个基本的框架。7将内容分类,了解相关知识,掌握相关的词汇及表达方式。8分析错误,概括总结,博采众长以补己短。1.五段论(一边倒)式写法的结构第一段:提出观点第二段:理由段1第三段:理由段2第四段:让步段第五段:结尾段,得出结论2开头段开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在理由段进行。一般在开头段写四,五句即可。(1)引题(2)旗帜鲜明地表明自己的观点(3)引起下文2.1 引题(1)介绍当前形式The problem of
6、traffic jam in big cities is very common in developing countries andChina is of no exception.(2)提个问题 How can we solve the problem of traffic jams in big cities?(3)介绍不同的观点Some suggest that in China, we should give priority to the development of privatecars, but others argue that public transportation
7、 should be put in the first place.(4)个人经历式(5)名人名言及谚语式Just as the saying goes:no pains, no gains, the super stars have undergone painstakingtraining and practice and they sacrifice a lot for what they have gained. So I think theyshould get high salary.(6)数字统计According to a recent survey, about 78.9%
8、of the college students wanted to furthertheir study after their graduation.2.2 表明观点(1)直接说出自己的观点In my opinion, students should wear uniforms in school.(2)间接说出观点Despite the fact that the majority may hold the opinion that students should wearuniforms in school, I doubt whether the argument can bear m
9、uch analysis.While the majority may like to live in a large family, I prefer the small one.Some people think students should go abroad to study. Others, however, believe theyshould finish their university education in their home country. From my point of view,I prefer the latter one.When faced with
10、the decision of a small family or a large family, quite a few wouldclaim that we should live in a large family, but others, in contrast, deem the smallfamily as the first choice and that is also my point.2.3 引起下文There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of themost
11、 important ones here.My arguments for this point are listed as follows.The reasons are presented below.开头要有气势开头段应避免的若干问题:1开头偏离主题太远。2使用抱歉或埋怨之词句。3内容不具体,言之无物。3理由段理由段(中间段)是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。中间段的篇幅要比开头段和结尾段长,每段有相应的主题句,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用举例,说理,因果,对比,等写作手段。3.1 主题句(topic sentence )(1)每个理由段必须要有一个
12、主题句。(2)将主题句放在理由段的段首。(3)主题句不宜过长,过于复杂。(4)主题句前面最好有表示层次关系的连接词。First, television presents a vivid world in front of us.Second, television also plays an educational role in our daily life.Finally, television is very entertaining.(5)主题句不能太抽象,要有具体的内容。(6)主题句也不能太具体,应是一定程度上的概括和抽象。(7)主题句不能包含两个或多个头绪。3.2支持句(推展句)(
13、1)支持句之间应根据相互关系使用适当的连接词。(2)支持句必须围绕主题句来写(3)支持句可以说理,也可以举例,可使用因果法,比较和对比法等。中间段的写作要点(1)所涉及内容应该准确,清楚,颇具说服力。(2)段落中一定具备主题句。(3)段落内容应保持完整,统一,没有说明不足之处或冗长的细节。(4)内容顺序安排合理,逻辑性强。(5)段落之间联贯自然(6)段落中讨论的内容主次分明,材料比例适当。(7)词与句型运用合理并且有变化。4,让步段(两重转折)5,结尾段结尾段要干脆利落,深化主题(1)重申观点,如此结论On the whole, if we take a careful considerati
14、on, it is not difficult to get theconclusion that students should wear uniforms.In short, given the factors I have just outlined, it is safe to draw the conclusion thatstudents should wear uniforms.(2)如此建议Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.Accordingly, I recom
15、mend that some measures be taken.Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.结尾要有特色Only in this way can laid-off workers completely shrug off poverty and regain theirdignity in life.(倒装)In conclusion, it is persistent work that is conducive to your grasping a largevocabulary.(强调)Given all the above arguments, it is high time that the authorities enforced somereforms to convert traditional education strategies into quality-oriented education.(虚拟)五段论式写法 T