Clinopyroxene from basaltic rocks of the Erzgebirge - Kru né hory Mts. - implications for modelling the magmatic plumbing syste.docx
《Clinopyroxene from basaltic rocks of the Erzgebirge - Kru né hory Mts. - implications for modelling the magmatic plumbing syste.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Clinopyroxene from basaltic rocks of the Erzgebirge - Kru né hory Mts. - implications for modelling the magmatic plumbing syste.docx(24页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、Journal of Geosciences, 55 (2010), 231 - 249DOI: 10.3190/jgeoscL077Original paperClinopyroxene fro m basaltic rocks of the Erzgebirge-Krusne horyM ts. - implications for modelling of the mag matic plu mbing systemRoman RONICK , Axel D. RENNO1 1*Technische Universitdt Bergakademie Freihergf Institute
2、 of Mineralogy, Brennhausgasse 149 D-09596 Freiherg9 Germany;axel. rennoniineral. tu-freiherg. de* Corresponding authorThe Erzgebirge-Krusne hory area is part of the NW flank of the Eger-Ohre Rift. Within this rift-related area, basalticrocks with low ( 3.5 wt. %) of TiO? occur. The distribution of
3、these basaltic rock typ-es shows strong spatial dependency. Ti-rich basalts are concentrated in the western Erzgebirge-Kmsne hory Mts. with asharp change at longitude 13.3 0E. Clinopyroxene and olivine are the most abundant phenocrysts. The zoning and che-mistry of the clinopyroxene act as a recorde
4、r of the dierent stages of the magmatic plumbing systems. Seven differenttypes of clinopyroxene phenocrysts are defined with four distinct chemical types: Cr-rich clinopyroxene, green-core py-roxene, Mg-rich clinopyroxene and finely zoned Ti-rich clinopyroxene with sector zoning.Chemical and petrogr
5、aphic analysis of individual zones within clinopyroxenes allows the qualitative description of dis-tinct steps of the multistage, regionally diverse processes yielding to the formation of both Ti-rich basalts in the W aswell as Ti-poor basalts in the E. Two different types of asthenospheric melts ar
6、e suggested, with increased activities ofH2O and potassium in the western Erzgebirge Mts. During ascent they incorporated xenoliths and xenocrysts ofboth themantle (peridotite, olivine and Cr-rich clinopyroxene) and the crustal (granitic and gncissic rocks, quartz and feldspar)origin. Furthermore, g
7、reen cores of clinopyroxene were introduced into the magmas. Fractionation processes took placewithin lithospheric magma chambers, having been accompanied by reaction of xenocrysts and xenoliths with the melt.The residence time in the magma chambers associated with the eastern and western parts of t
8、he Erzgebirge appears tohave been totally different: short in the eastern and long in the western parts. Within the latter, no mantle-derived xe-noliths, xenocrysts, or magmatic olivines are found. It is inferred that these xenoliths and crystals settled to the bottomof the magma chambers forming cu
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- Clinopyroxene from basaltic rocks of the Erzgebirge Kru né hory Mts. implications for modelling magm
