幼儿教育: 幼儿园春节传统习俗对幼儿个体与集体意识形成的影响研究.docx
《幼儿教育: 幼儿园春节传统习俗对幼儿个体与集体意识形成的影响研究.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《幼儿教育: 幼儿园春节传统习俗对幼儿个体与集体意识形成的影响研究.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、幼儿教育:幼儿园春节传统习俗对幼 儿个体与集体意识形成的影响研究Title: A Study on the Impact of Traditional Spr ing Fest i vaI Customs in Kindergartens on the Formation of Individual and ColIective Consciousness in PreschooI Chi IdrenAbstract:The Spr i ng Fest i vaI i s a significantcuIturaI event i n Ch i na, and the observance o
2、f trad i t i onaI customs dur i ng th i s fest i vaI pI ays a cruc i a I roIe i n promot i ng the culturaI and social deveIopment of preschooI chi Idren. This study aims to exp I ore the i nfIuence of traditional Spr i ng Fest i vaI customs on the format i on of individual and col Iective consciousn
3、ess of preschooI chi Idren from the perspective of kindergarten teachers. The study empIoyed a mixed methods approach, uti Iizing bothqua Ii tat i ve and quant i tat i ve methods to gather data.Introduction:PreschooI educat ion is a cr itical stage for chi Idren to deveI op the i r individual and co
4、 I Iect i ve consc i ousness. Trad it i onaI Spr i ng Fest i vaI customs are an i ntegraI part of Ch i nese cuIture, r i ch i n h i stor i caI and cuIturaI significance. Kindergarten teachers pI ay a pivotal roIe i n i ntroduci ng these customs to preschooI chi Idren, which can have a profound impac
5、t on thei r soc i a I, emot i onaI, and cuIturaI deveIopment.Methodo Iogy:This study adopts a mixed methods research design, empIoying both qua Iitative and quantitative methods. The qua Iitative aspect incIudes interviews with exper ienced kindergarten teachers, observations ofcI assroom act i v i
6、t i es dur i ng the Spr i ng Fest i vaI, and document ana lysis of re Ievant curr i cuIum mater i a Is. The quant i tat i ve aspect i nvoIves d i str i but i ng surveys to parents to gather a broader perspect i ve on the impact of Spr i ng Fest i vaI customs on the i r ch i Idren.Findings:1. Impact
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- 幼儿教育: 幼儿园春节传统习俗对幼儿个体与集体意识形成的影响研究 幼儿教育 幼儿园 春节 传统习俗 幼儿 个体 集体 意识 形成 影响 研究