Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第四季第二十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
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1、Pawnee选举委员会会议进行中在所有选区上报之后我会证实结果I will certify the results after all the precincts have reported.最终小于1%的差距会自动触发重新计票A final tally within 1% will trigger an automatic recount.如果结果完全平手职位会给予男性候选人In the event of an exact tie, the seat is awarded to the male candidate, 而女性候选人会被关进监狱and the female candidate
2、is put in jail.再说一次我必须反对Once again, I have to object.我不觉得这在庭上有效但这是城市法律I dont think it would hold up in court but it is city law.有问题吗-没-实际上有的Any questions? - Nope. - Yes, actually.在最后关头Newport家族At the eleventh hour, the Newports仍然在镇上好几个选区安装这些投票机are trying to install these voting machines in several p
3、recincts around town. 看看如果我投给Bobby Newport会怎么样Watch what happens when I vote for Bobby Newport.选得好享受一张免费的Sweetums糖果棒代金券吧Good choice! Enjoy a voucher for a complimentary Sweetums candy bar.我们公民投票不是理应有点奖励吗Shouldnt we be rewarding our citizens for voting?我从没反对任何人得到糖果棒m never against anyone getting a ca
4、ndy bar.但看看如果你给我投票会发生什么But watch what happens when you vote for me.你确定吗花点时间考虑一下吧Are you sure? Take a second to think it over.然后你还得再按一次Then, you have to press it again.要取消您的投票选择更好的人选请按Sweetums图标To cancel your vote and select someone better, press the Sweetums logo.抱歉我就没看出有啥问题m sorry. I just dont see
5、the problem.公园与游憩公园与游憩第4季第22集第4季第22集好的各位Okay, everyone. Ahem!我们都知道今天是大选之日Today is election day, as we all know,而我就想说几句话and d just like to say a few words.好吧Okay.六个月前我们聚在一起Six months ago we came together.又来吗Again?你把眼泪掉到我的佛罗伦萨水波蛋里了Youre getting tears in my Eggs Florentine.抱歉抱歉我待会儿再试试好吗m sorry. m sorry
6、. m going to try again later. Okay?Bobby Newport和我的差距极小Bobby Newport and I are separated by a razor-thin margin.结果还不确定Could go either way.我过去四天里只睡了 9个小时ve only slept nine hours over the past four days.所以我正处于神经崩溃的边缘So, Im right on the verge of a nervous breakdown.这可不是个贝果This isnt a bagel.既然Leslie已经是一
7、摊尴尬的灾难了Since Leslie is an embarrassing disaster,让我来过一下今晚的日程let me go over tonights agenda.聚会7点开始Party starts at 7:00在Pawnee超级套房♥里有历史意义的JermaineJaCkSOn舞厅举♥行♥in the historic Jermaine Jackson Ballroom at the Pawnee SuperSuites.这已经不是一个“皮条客与妓♥女&hearts /睡衣派对了It is no longer a P
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- 公园与游憩2009 Parks and Recreation公园与游憩2009第四季第二十二集完整中英文对照剧本 Recreation 公园 游憩 2009 四季 第二十二 完整 中英文 对照
