1、练习双语:站着办公可能让你更聪明据说坐的时间越长,臀部越大,腿越粗,爱美的女生们你们还敢坐着看书工作么?This is an odd admission for a psychiatrist to make, but l,ve never been very good at sittingstill. I,m antsy in my chair and jump at any opportunity to escape it. When l,m trying to work outa difficult problem, I often stand and move about the off
2、ice.一个精神科医生说这个显得挺奇怪的,但我从不擅长于安稳坐着。在椅子上的我总是坐立不安,能逃则逃。当我想解决一个困难的问题时,我通常会站起来,在办公室里走动。We,ve known for a while that sitting for long stretches of every day has myriad healthconsequences, like a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes, that culminate in a highermortality rate. But now a new study has fou
3、nd that sitting is also bad for your brain. And it mightbe the case that lots of exercise is not enough to save you if you,re a couch potato the rest of thetime.我们早就知道,每天长时间地坐着对健康会有许多影响,比如,心脏病和糖尿病的风险会更高,最终导致更高的死亡率。但现在,一项新研究证明了坐姿对你的大脑也有害。如果你的其余时间都坐在沙发上,那么可能大量的运动也不足以拯救你。A study published last week, co
4、nducted by Dr. Prabha Siddarth at the University of Californiaat Los Angeles, showed that sedentary behavior is associated with reduced thickness of themedial temporal lobe, which contains the hippocampus, a brain region that is critical to learningand memory.加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Lo
5、s Angeles)的普拉巴.希达斯(PrabhaSiddarth)博士进行的一项研究表明,久坐行为与大脑内颗叶的厚度减少有关,大脑内颗叶中含有的海马体是学习和记忆的关键区域。该研究于上周发表。The researchers asked a group of 35 healthy people, ages 45 to 70, about their activity levelsand the average number of hours each day spent sitting and then scanned their brains with M.R.I.They found th
6、at the thickness of their medial temporal lobe was inversely correlated with howsedentary they were; the subjects who reported sitting for longer periods had the thinnestmedial temporal lobes.研究人员向35名年龄在45到70岁之间的健康人士询问了他们的活动水平和每天坐着的平均小时数,然后使用MRI对他们的大脑进行了扫描。研究人员发现,他们大脑内颗叶的厚度与他们久坐的程度负相关;报告自己坐着的时间较长的研究
7、对象大脑内颠叶最薄。The implication is that the more time you spend in a chair the worse it is for your brainhealth, resulting in possible impairment in learning and memory.这意味着,你在椅子上坐的时间越久,就越不利于你的大脑健康,可能会导致学习和记忆受损。Of course, the study cannot prove that this link is causal. It,s possible that people withpre-e
8、xisting cognitive problems might just be more sedentary. Still, the researchers screened thesubjects to rule out major medical and psychiatric disorders, so this explanation is unlikely.当然,这项研究不能证明这种联系的因果性。前期存在认知问题的人也有可能会坐得更久。但研究人员对受试者进行了筛选,排除了重大医疗和精神疾病,因此这种解释的可能性不大。What,s also intriguing is that th
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- 练习 双语 办公 可能 聪明