1、练习双语:教你四个简单的戒糖方法科学研究表明简单碳水化合物一尤其是糖才是现代饮食中真正导致肥胖的罪魁祸首,如果你想减肥,那就要从戒糖开始,教你儿招戒糖的简单方法。SmarterLiving ,If you,ve vaguely but assuredly known that the cause of the obesity epidemic in theUnited States is fats, you,re not alone.如果你隐约但确定地知道”,美国肥胖流行的原因是脂肪,那么,很多人跟你的想法一样。You are, however, wrong.但是,你错了。The sugar
2、industry has conducted a decades-long blitz to convince consumers that fats not sugars are the driving force behind Americas weight problem, The Times,s Op-Edcolumnist David Leonhardt writes in our guide to quitting sugar.时报专栏作家戴维.莱昂哈特(David Leonhardt)在我们的戒糖指南中写道,制糖业进行了长达数十年的宣传,让消费者相信,美国超重问题的罪魁祸首是脂肪
3、,而非糖。But simple carbohydrates, particularly sugar, are the real culprits in the modern diet, and arethe driving forces zzbehind the diabetes and obesity epidemics/ Mr. Leonhardt writes.但莱昂哈特写道,简单碳水化合物一一尤其是糖一一是现代饮食中真正的罪魁祸首,是糖尿病和肥胖流行的成因。Cutting out sugar is easier than it sounds, and it starts with ev
4、aluating some of our mostbasic habits. For even more guidance, read our whole guide here, but here are four easy ways tocut down today.戒糖没有想象的那么难,首先要从评估我们的一些最基本的习惯开始。如欲获得更多指导,请阅读我们的完整指南,这里介绍四个从今天起开始戒糖的简单方法。Stop drinking soda停止饮用汽水This one is a no-brainer. Sweetened beverages account for about 47 per
5、cent of added sugarin the American diet, and they are essentially nutrient-free calorie-delivery vehicles. A 16-ouncebottle of Coke contains 52 grams of sugar; more than your entire daily limit.这是显而易见的。美国人饮食中约47%的添加糖来自甜味饮料,而且它们基本上都是毫无营养的卡路里输送载体。一瓶16盎司的可乐中含52克糖,高于每日摄入量的上限。If you drink soda for the ca
6、ffeine, switch to tea or coffee. If it,s the carbonation or theconvenience of having a drink in a can handy, try switching to a seltzer like La Croix (my personalbeverage of choice - try the coconut flavor!).如果你是为了摄取咖啡因而饮用碳酸饮料,那就换成茶或咖啡。如果是因为碳酸化,或者是为了享受罐装饮料的便捷,那么,你可以试着改喝气泡水,比如La Croix (我个人的最爱一一试试椰子味的
7、!)Watch your breakfast留意你的早餐Sugar is stealthily sneaked into many breakfast foods that are marketed as healthy” or“natural. Flavored yogurts, for example, are loaded with sugar, and fruit juices are an easy wayto drink tons of sugar without realizing.许多被标榜为健康或天然的早餐食品中悄悄加入了糖。例如,调味酸奶中含有大量糖,而果汁也很容易让你无意
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