1、练习双语:日常用品那些让人大开眼界的用途(组图)你有没有注意过衬衫后面有个小环?挂锁底部有个孔?这些有什么用意呢?还有为什么红酒瓶底有凹槽,圆珠笔尾部有小洞?书包上为什么有个猪鼻子?这些很容易被忽略的设计其实都有自己的大用途,一起来了解一下吧。You may have seen some of these details and wondered what they were for - the tiny holesin a plane window for instance.日常生活中你可能会注意到一些小细节并对它们的用途困惑不己一一例如飞机窗户上的小洞。Others you may not
2、 have noticed at all - like the tiny hole on the base of a padlock.还有些细节你压根就没发现一一例如挂锁底下的小洞。But all of them have important functions, some potentially life-saving.但是这些小细节都有至关重要的作用,有些可能还可以救命。The small hole at the end of biro pen, for example, is there in case a child accidentallyswallows it, to provid
3、e an air hole so they can still breathe with it lodged in the throat; while thehole in a plane window is to prevent it from imploding should one of the three panes break.例如,圆珠笔尾部的小洞就是为了防止儿童不慎吞入窒息。当圆珠笔盖卡在喉咙的时候,儿童可以通过这个小小的透气孔来呼吸。而飞机窗户上小洞的用途在于,当飞机上三个窗格中的一个发生破裂时,它可以防止该窗户从内部爆裂。Others are game-changing in
4、 terms of their usefulness. That small triangle on your petrolgauge, for example, indicates what side of the car to access your pump from, so you,ll never haveto get out of a hire car to check again.还有一些细节由于它们的用途而改变着游戏规则。例如,汽油表上的小三角形的方向会告诉你油箱盖在车的哪边。所以你不需要从租的车上下来再找一遍。Here, Mailnline reveals the littl
5、e things you may never have known about objects used inevery facet of life, from at home to on your travels.每日邮报网站在此列举了一些你可能从来不知道的日常用品中的小细节。这些日常用品用于家居、外出旅行等生活的方方面面。Youive probably never noticed it, by that little triangle on your petrol gauge indicates theside of the car the pump hatch is so youll n
6、ever need to get out and check again你可能没有注意到,汽油表上小三角形指哪边就说明你的油箱盖在车的哪边一一你并不需要下车自己去找。The loop on the back of some button-down shirts was introduced in the 1960s so that thegarment could be hung up on locker pegs to avoid creasing in tho absence of a hanger. Italso used to be customary in American univ
7、ersities for men to snip off the loop to indicatethey were in a relationship and thus off the market一些领尖系扣的衬衫后有一个小环,它起源于20世纪60年代。这个小环可以使衬衫在没有衣架的情况下挂在挂钩匕以防起皱。通常在美国大学里,如果有男生剪掉了这个环的话,就表明他们己经名草有主了。The indent in the bottom of wine bottles is used to control pressure during the corkingprocess but it also
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- 练习 双语 日常用品 那些 人大 开眼界 用途 组图