1、练习双语:法国儿童入学年龄将从6岁降至3岁对3岁的宝宝来说,中国的家长正在为把他们送进哪家幼儿园犹豫不定,而在法国他们已经可以开始上学了!法国总统马克龙27日宣布,从2019学年开始,法定入学年龄将从6岁降至3岁。Children in France will start school at the age of three instead of six, under new reformsannounced by President Emmanuel Macron.法国总统马克龙宣布最新改革举措,法国儿童的入学年龄将从6岁降至3岁。The change will give France on
2、e of the lowest compulsory school starting ages in Europe.此举将使法国成为欧洲义务教育入学年龄最低的国家之一。But it will only affect a small number of children, as the majority of French families alreadychoose to send their children to school at three.不过,这项改革将仅仅影响少数儿童,因为多数法国家庭的孩子都己经在3岁时入学了。Only 2.4% of children are not enro
3、lled at that age, government figures show.据政府数据,仅有2.4%的儿童在3岁时没有入学。Mr Macron said the change was intended to reduce inequality in education, as parents inpoorer areas of France and in overseas territories are less likely to send their children to school atan early age.马克龙表示,这项改革旨在减少教育不平等现象,因为生活在较贫困地区
4、和海外领地的父母不太可能让孩子较早入学。In Paris, 93% of three-year-olds are enrolled but the figure is much lower in some overseasterritories, according to Le Monde.据法国世界报报道,巴黎93%的3岁儿童入学读书,但在一些海外领地,这一比例要低得多。,l hope that with this obligation, from the start of the school year in 2019, we can. correctthis unacceptable d
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